Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One week away...The dreaded holiday season rears its ugly head...

Don't get me wrong I love the holidays...but...

It's that time again... Fall is in the air with Winter nipping at its heals. It's cold outside and the trees have shed their leafy clothing revealing their naked branches. Yep you know what that means... The holidays are here. The marathon starts one week from tomorrow with the kick-off of my dreaded holiday season. It seems like only a few days ago I was rejoicing that it was over, but here it is again rearing its ugly head and laughing in my face. My family is coming in from all parts of the country to our sleepy little college football town, to celebrate the favorite American past time of getting together, eating way to much, and then getting your feelings hurt by something your crazy grandmother says about you. That's my prediction for the coming week. But after Thanksgiving it's a non-stop shop/stress fest until Christmas, then you have to recover through New Years and then life starts again... I for one don't normally believe in stress but somehow the holidays bring out the worst in me. I am very fortunate that my family drinks. I do think that the only way I will make it through all this is with some sort of alcoholic libation in my hand. My family and I differ on so many things, religion, politics, world view, the whole shebang. But one thing we agree on is no matter what is going on its ok to have a drink in your hand while its going on...
So lets raise our glasses to a happy holiday season... Bring on the booze, and laugh so you don't cry...


Anonymous said...

haha.very true.
Tell me what grandma says about you.

Believer said...

Now, now, it's never as bad as you think... Sometimes I see you laugh!! Maybe someone will have a Guitar Hero so you can be a Hero this Christmas. Grandma is coming to the beach so you better get over there to get your Christmas cheer on before she leaves. If you miss out I'll try to take a few notes just in case and pass them on before the frenzy is over!